Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Vaccines All Around

Nolan had his second round of vaccination shots yesterday, so in order to be a good dad and share in the experiences of my kid, I figured I'd do the same. I'm going for dad of the year here, and if I have to get shot up with some sort of vaccine to win the prize, then so be it. So today I went to the doctor and got my own vaccination shot all in an effort to win the heart of my kid.

Okay, so that's not exactly true.

I did get a vaccination shot today, but the rest of that stuff was fluff and banter to reel you in.

MMR...not the radio station, but rather Measles, Mumps, and Rubella. That's what I had to get. Apparently when I was a child, I only received one round of the vaccine and you're supposed to have two. Good thing I didn't die. Somebody would have felt really bad about that being overlooked.

The crazy thing is, the only reason I found out about it was because of my enrollment at WCU. For some reason they need proof of your vaccinations, which I was remiss in getting my hands on the first couple of semesters, and a recent hold on my account helped to get my butt in gear.

But unfortunately my pediatrician no longer exists. No really, the guy was old when I was there, so he's probably not even alive anymore. And his practice isn't where it used to be (I drove there to be sure), and there's no answer when I try and call the number.

So what did I do? (I know you're all waiting with extreme levels of anticipation). I did what any college student stuck in a jam would do. I called my mom, and fortunately she was able to come up with a file that held my vaccination records. Ironically enough, attached to the chart was a little slip of paper that said something to the effect of, "Retain a copy of these records as your child may need them for the attendance and/or enrollment to colleges and universities."

So off to WCU I went to plead and prove my case for vaccinations. And their reply was that I needed a second shot of 28 years of age...even though I don't live on campus. I don't even live anywhere near the campus.

Oh well. Thus one day after my kid got his vaccinations, I got my own.

Dad of the year.

I snapped this while waiting to get shot up. Reading literature on how this vaccine gives me a 1 in 3000 chance of getting seizures, a 1 in 4 chance of getting temporary stiffness in the joints (but that's mostly in teenage and adult women. If I get stiff, what's does that mean?), and a 1 in 30,000 chance of getting a bleeding disorder (I like the odds on that one).

The one thing all of this literature didn't tell me is how much it would hurt!

I have no problem getting shots, but this sucker stung, more so after the shot was given. It was like I had an open wound and the nurse was taken 60 grit sandpaper and going to town on that wound.

Me in pain. Disclaimer: The photo shown above may be for dramatic effect only.

The good news is, now I can attend classes, and one day I can tell Nolan about the experience we shared. Not sure he's going to see it with the same excitement as I do.

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